Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm it. I'm always it.

I have been tagged three times since starting my blog, and I have yet to participate. I keep putting if off and hoping to find time to do it later. I guess later is now. The following will be a far too long post in response to those three tags. Enjoy!!!

Name: Casey Ryan Patterson
1. Where did you meet? Health class at BYU
2. How long did you date before you got married? 1 year
3. How long have you been married? 3 and 1/2 years
4. Who is smarter? Book smart- me. Health, fitness, vball, construction- him
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His height
6. Who cooks more? Me
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Yes...princess or kid
8. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Usually him
9. What is his favorite food? BBQ Chicken or corn chips with crazy dip concoctions
10. What is his favorite sport? Volleyball
11. When and where was your fist kiss? June 2004, playing spin the bottle in his apartment
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Cuddle and watch a movie at home
13. Does he have a hidden talent? He can juggle anything and he's really good with nun-chucks
14. How old is he? 28
15. Who said I love you first? He did. One of my all-time favorite moments.
16. Guilty pleasures? Volleyball. Volleyball. Volleyball. Sneaking candy.
17. What do you admire most about him? His passion
18. Do you think he will read this? Probably not

3 Joys
1. Casey
2. Disneyland
3. Family

3 Fears
1. Dying young
2. Losing Casey
3. Failing

3 Goals
1. Start working out again
2. Find a job that will let me work from home
3. Scrapbook

3 Current Obsessions
1. TV
2. Sleeping
3. Year supply

3 Random Surprising Facts About Me
1. I'm pregnant. Tee hee.
2. I watch an average of 4 hours of TV every night after work. Guilty pleasure.
3. I set 4 alarms every night and I have to check each one 3 times before I can go to sleep. Even though I always wake up to the first one. Just in case, I guess.

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. Gossip Girl
2. 90210
3. Privileged
4. Fringe
5. The Office
6. 30 Rock
7. Project Runway
8. Top Chef

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Slept in
2. Ate three bowls of cold cereal
3. Went to church
4. Taught the Young Women's lesson
5. Ate 6 large dill pickles and a heaping plate of nacho's
6. Watched 4 movies
7. Cuddled and cried with Casey
8. Fell asleep in his arms

8 Things I Look Forward to
1. Thanksgiving in Utah with my family
2. Listening to Christmas music
3. Christmas parties and Christmas time
4. Moving to a bigger apartment
5. Not feeling sick anymore
6. Having a baby
7. Being a mom
8. Not working anymore

8 Things On My Wish List
1. Take a tropical vacation with Casey
2. Tour Europe again
3. Go on a cruise
4. Visit New York City
5. A healthy baby
6. Be a good mom
7. Raise a close, loving, and faithful family
8. Casey's volleyball dreams to come true

I tag Nikki, Jenny, and Kimmy.


erin said...

Lexi!! Congrats on the fetus!

Trent and Kim said...

I wonder if the reason you set 4 alarms is because of the time we slept in for our volleyball trip. I guess the toiletries falling in the toilet, the obscenities screamed and the frantic race to the airport was traumatic enough to want to never sleep in again. I love you! I cant believe you are pregnant!

Christi Pobst said...

Congrats on being Pregnant! How far along are you? We are going to miss you guys here but how exciting to be in a BIGGER place!

Ryan and Bethany said...

Congratulations Lexi and Casey! I am so happy for you both! Wonderful news!

Morph This said...

how dare you... i'll get to it when i have a minute.

Lindsy Hartsock said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Congrats Lex!! I'm so excited for you guys. You will be a great mom! At first I thought it was a trick, but then when I realized it was real I got real excited :) Yay!

Lindsey said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I couldn't be more happy for you. I also thought you were joking, until the rest of your post had lots of baby talk. Being a mom is the best and you will be the best mom.I hope you get over your pregnant sickies soon.

The Batistas said...

Congrats!!!! I can't wait to tell Victor...he probably already knows already (he doesn't tell me anything like this)You have to let us know what you're having! Congrats again!!

diana said...

Congratulations! We are SO happy for you guys. What great news! Happy future!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh your pregnant!!! I am SO happy and cannot wait to see your BEAUTIFUL genetic specimen of a baby. Wow! I really hope I get to see you at our wedding! Love you

Lindsey said...

Yay Lexi! You will probably be the hottest pregnant girl ever. Congratulations.

Lauren said...

Oh how I love you and that cute husband of yours!! I'm impressed that you did all 3 tags at once...I seriously hate them..good for you. Remember how you're pregnant?!!?!!! teehee I can't tell you how excited and jealous I still am. I agree with Lindsey that you'll for sure be the hottest pregnant girl ever! =D

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

LeAnn said...

Congratulations!! You will be a great mom and I hope you feel better soon.

Linds Forrest said...

So glad I read your tags all the way through!! Congrats on your eggo being pregoo! That is so exciting! Can't wait to see pics of your fetus growing (hopefully that doesn't sound all stalkerish!)

defining amy said...

Congrats!! Wow. Your baby is going to be beautiful. I'm so happy for you both.

Cheltsie Spils said...

Lexi I'm freaking out excited! This will be so fun to have babies the same age! Its about time! How can we get Brit and Nikki knocked up!? They need to jump on the bandwagon!

kentandnellie said...

Congratulations, Lexi! I am so excited for you and Casey. How far along are you? I hope your morning sickness doesn't last too long. Congrats again!

Shel said...

Had to say YEAH! for the baby! So exciting!

Unknown said...

My beautiful girl! What a joy. Crying right now. Your sweet momma has probably been holding your angel and whispering in your babies ear about what fun it will be to come be with you. Love you so much and can not wait for you to feel this overwhelming joy that is in store for you and casey. Be healthy and happy and call me at thanksgiving.

Spencer and Kealia said...

whoot! whoot! yay, you're prego! we're going to miss each other again! husband and i will be in HB for thanksgiving, while you and casey are in utah... we've got to figure this out! stop trying to avoid me!

congrats again! xoxo
(ps-lia is a beautiful name for a girl, wink, wink!)

Tiffany said...

That will be one beautiful and talented baby! Congratulations!!

julie said...

i personally am hoping for a boy... a tall, handsome boy for sadie! i totally believe in arranged marriages... but only since i became a mom! yeah!!! xo

Lauren said...'re still've been it for about 3 weeks now...what's going on in your life?! i need a new post!

or maybe i'll be a real friend and just call you. =)

i love you!!!!!