We welcomed in the new year with our Puerto Rican family. The night started off splendid when we happened upon a teppanyaki grill and had ourselves a fine New Years Eve feast. Then I learned how to cook authentic Puerto Rican dishes while Casey played pool and set off fireworks. Cash spent most of the night exhausted and delirious. He couldn't sleep with all the partying and fireworks so he was up for the countdown.

Casey's teammates bought some rather large (and loud) illegal fireworks that the boys set off. They saved the biggest and best firework--full metal jacket--for the last hoorah. And it was a sight to see. I'm talking Disneyland fireworks in the middle of the street.

We kissed. We hugged. We laughed. And then we said goodbye to a very memorable 2009. Here's to a beautiful year folks. Our best year yet.
2009 Patterson Memories:
•Lexi was pregnant with our first baby

•The birth of our son Cash Ryan


•Casey won his first AVP tournament

•Casey was on the cover of DIG magazine

•We got iPhones
•Lexi went on the Ellen DeGeneres Mother's Day show and was showered with baby gifts
•Moved into a bigger apartment across from Nikki and Darren
•Celebrated our 4-year wedding anniversary

•Family trips to San Francisco, Las Vegas, Ventura, Utah, and San Diego.

•Cash is blessed by Casey

•Casey turned 29

•Lexi turned 27

•We moved to Puerto Rico so Casey can play pro vball with the Plataneros de Corozal

•Lexi gets to stay home and be a Mom to this cute kid

We can't wait to see what happens in 2010!