The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! Here are the top reasons why I go crazy for Independence Day:
Celebration. Casey and I celebrated our 3-year wedding anniversary on July 1st. It's so nice having our anniversary by the 4th because there is always a guaranteed day off of work and so many fun things to do. And our anniversary always ends in fireworks! I love Casey very much. He is so good to me and I'm very grateful for him in my life. Happy 3-year anniversary kid!
Concerts. Casey surprised me with tickets to watch the firework spectacular at the Hollywood Bowl. I was super excited because I have always wanted to go ever since watching Bette Midler perform there on "Beaches". It was inspiring to sit in the hills of Hollywood and listen to the great patriotic songs of our nation played by the LA philharmonic. The production ended with an incredible firework show right behind the Bowl. We loved every minute of it. Casey did a great job of planning a romantic and fun anniversary weekend for us!
Competition. This year I was excited for the annual 4th of July Huntington Beach 5K race and breakfast. I made it to the race but I had crazy shin splints from preparing for the run all week, so I biked the 5K on my beach cruiser. I'm pathetic, but still patriotic!
BBQ's. Casey was out of town for a beach volleyball tournament on the 4th, so I went with the Morphy's to a ward BBQ. It was so fun to sit around and talk to the ward members and eat all day long. Then I came back from that BBQ and my apartment complex was having another BBQ, so I sat around with them and enjoyed it all over again! My neighbor, Diana West, sang us the most beautiful a cappella version of "God Bless America". It was the perfect theme to a perfect day.
Parades. The HB parade ran down main street where we were having our BBQ, so we sat on the lawn and watched the parade as it passed by. It was so fun and inspiring to see the little kids perform and the veterans walk with pride. The parade was so fun, all 3 hours of it!!
Patriotism. Everywhere I went and everywhere I looked in HB there were flags, banners, and the bold freedom colors of red, white, and blue declaring our independence. As members of the armed forces passed by, there was silence and thanksgiving. This holiday reminds me what it is to be a citizen of the United States of America. We are so blessed and fortunate.
Relaxing in the Sun. One of the best things about this holiday is that there is a lot of sitting, talking, relaxing, and enjoying the beautiful weather. I went to the beach with some of the families from my apartment complex and it was so fun to just sit there in the sun and talk. My whole weekend was spent hanging out with family and friends in the sun. That for me is the best time there is.

Music. What's a 4th of July without a stake church production? The Huntington Beach Stake put on a patriotic production that was filled with families all singing and dancing to our Nation's favorite songs. Watching the little children sing about peace, love, and freedom brought tears to my eyes. They were so bright-eyed and ready for the future. And we all stood with our hands on our hearts as we listened to "The Star Spangled Banner" and watched the men and women of the armed forces in our stake conduct the American Flag ceremony. I love our flag; what it represents, and what it has witnessed.
Fireworks! I ended my Independence Day celebration with the Morphy's at the HB pier where we watched another incredible firework show. The fireworks were shot off the pier and it was magical to see the lights dance across the ocean. It felt like you could reach out and touch them!
Remember that there is no time like the present to share memories and laughter with those you love. It was beautiful to sit and watch the simple joy of a child's first firework show. The 4th of July is such a happy occasion. I feel like a little girl full of wonder and awe each time it comes.
Hi!! So fun you guys have a blog! Small world that you guys went on that same kayak trip in Puerto Rico.. I agree that it was one of the coolest things I've ever done also!
It sounds like you guys are having so much fun traveling around! Its fun to catch up and see what you guys are up to!
Lexi! Sounds like your 4th was great! Happy Anni! Also, I went to the HB stake program! Can't believe we missed each other!
You look fabulous!
I so agree! I love the 4th. Your day sounded perfect. I'm glad we could be part of it.
Okay, I am loving Casey's hair, and I love that you mentioned the movie Beaches. So funny. I also love your wedding picture, it's probably one of the most beautiful one's I've seen. And I've seen a lot, so that is saying something.
p.s. You better not know more than one Jennifrey, so hopefully you know who this is.
Ok, I love ALL your pictures!! You were such a beautiful bride. We missed you at Graham's wedding yesterday. Hey, Zach has been wanting to call your dad, can you text me his number? I love your blog!
Finally! I check your blog hopefully each time I log on and to my amazement today, there was something to read! I love hearing about your life. Those of us with kids like to hear about the exciting lives of those who don't! Anyway, I'm jealous you live 3 blocks from the beach. Rob and I would LOVE to live away from Utah for a while. Maybe California is calling us...
I love the blog and the pictures. I read your dad's blog everyday...hang in there. Love you!
Our anniversary always falls on Labor day so we always get a long weekend to celebrate too! I cant tell you how happy I am that your blogging now! Keep up the good work I've added you to my list.
Welcome to the blogging world! I love that everyone I know is doing this so we can keep updated on everything. Keep posting.
Hey I just got your text message. Let me know where your friends are coming from. We fly back to PR tonight so I'll email you directions once I hear back from you.
So glad you are blogging now! It is a hard decision to make, because once you start, you have to keep it up! I make Ryan do some entries when I get lazy. I can't wait to see more of you guys and what you are up to!
3 years! That is so cool! Congrats!
glad you guys have a blog now! sad we never saw you while we were living so close... we left so last minute, but we will be back. happy anniversary & 4th!
i love that you love this holiday so much and i couldn't agree more with you about it. i also love the pictures that you've posted...they're great!!! btw - i totally meant to call you and wish you a happy anniversary. sorry...I LOVE YOU!!!
I keep meaning to comment and forgetting. Anyway, I think you are just the cutest thing ever! Welcome to blogging! You're already better at it than me. Have a happy day, Swedish cousin:)
Girl I am stoked you have decided to blog! You are looking sexier than ever and am jealous of your beautiful locks. Glad you are so happy and that you have made it 3 years of marriage. So great! :) Happy 3 Years and many many more to come!
there were much better pictures of us... thanks.
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