Cash was lucky enough to celebrate his birthday twice. First with the Patterson's in Ventura. They made him an adorable monkey cake and we had a big family dinner followed by lots of presents! This was his first attempt at birthday cake and he got into it, but was very tentative. I was hoping the second time around, he would really get messy. I was wrong. After we sang to him and blew out his candle, he daintily poke his pointer finger into the cake over and over again. Then we would just lick the frosting off and dip it back in. I kept trying to get him to take a handful, but he wasn't having it. I love that he had to do it his own way and just leisurely enjoyed his cake. It's his birthday and he'll take his time if he wants to!

Here is what Cash is doing at 1!
Learned to go downstairs backwards
Uttered his first word, "UH-OH!"
Took his first three steps to Grandpa Brown when he was visiting
His repertoire of words now includes: Mama, Dada, Num Num, Bye Bye, Nigh Night, and of course Uh-Oh.
Cash has three new teeth coming in for a total of 11
Throws the basketball in a little nerf hoop that he got for his birthday
Understands, "No" and starts shaking his head no every time I say it
Likes to throw everything
Digs low fives (we're working on the high five and rock me)
LOVES to dance. Any time he hears music, it's on!
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